About Our Email Messages

People who sign up for our email list get two series of email messages from Bill Austin:

Mastery Training Modules Weekly Articles:  Each week you will receive one of the articles I have created about healing, manifesting, the Law of Attraction, empowered living and spiritual growth. Most of these modules contain a healing image or a link to a free energy healing session to help you realize more of your full potential.

Here to View the List of Weekly Articles

Seeds of Mastery Semi-Weekly Healing Tips:  In addition, you will receive an email message from me every two to three days that contains a short, sweet and simple two to three paragraph long tip on healing, manifestation and spiritual growth as well as an affirmation empowered by the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. As a bonus gift you will also receive my free report on How to Play with the Law of Attraction to Create a Life that Works and Supports You on All Levels.

Click Here to View a Sample SOM Message!


 To View a Video to Learn More About These Two Programs!

 To View the Current Healing Holograms™ Newsletter

When you join one or both of these programs, you will also receive my monthly newsletter with a free monthly healing image! Please Note: Immediately after you submit your email address, you will receive an email from my newsletter service asking you to confirm your registration. You must open that email up and click on the link within the body of the message to receive the series of email messages.


Healing Holograms™ Newsletter

Bill Austin has two main email distribution lists. One is for the Seeds of Mastery and the other is for the Mastery Training Modules. You are welcome to sign up for one or both of these groups. As long as you are on one list, you will get a copy of Bill's Newsletter with the free healing image even if you just sign up for one list.

 to view the Current Healing Holograms Newsletter

Seeds of Mastery Program (Click here to sign up to receive short and quick to read email messages from Bill Austin every two to three days to help you reset the energy of your day using an Affirmation Enhancer Tool-Enhanced Affirmation.)

Mastery Training Modules (Click here to sign up to receive a weekly series of 43 more thorough and in-depth articles on healing, manifesting and growing spiritually)

Healing Holograms™ Brochure (To learn more about the healing work of Bill Austin, right click to save this pdf file to your computer)





Seeds of Mastery Program

If you would like to receive the newsletter and participate in the Seeds of Mastery Program all you have to do is join my newsletter by submitting your email address in the fields below. Please Note: Shortly after you submit your email address, you will receive an email from the company hosting my newsletter asking you to respond to confirm your registration. You must confirm your subscription in order to receive the newsletter and the Seeds of Mastery.

As a bonus gift you will also receive my free report on How I Use the Law of Attraction to Create a Life that Works and Supports Me on All Levels.

Click Here to View a Sample Seeds of Mastery Message!


Each month I disseminate he Healing Holograms™ Newsletter to people who are on my Seeds of Mastery email distribution list. Each newsletter has some information about what is going on energetically with the planet, what new work I am doing as well as a free vibrationally encoded healing image. I created the new series of email messages to help awaken and activate the Seeds of Mastery within your heart.

These new messages will be sent out every two days so hopefully they will provide additional energetic support for people who are signed up for the newsletter.  Each Seeds of Mastery message will be about an aspect of the spiritual and personal growth process and will contain an IMT-empowered affirmation (enhanced with the Affirmation Enhancer Tool).






Below is a sample Seeds of Mastery message:

Seeds of Mastery #Sample
Thanks for participating in my Seeds for Mastery Program!

There are three possible ways for people, events and activities to impact you energetically: Positive, Neutral and Negative. If hanging out with person, or participating in an event or doing something raises your vibration and energy level and makes you feel good well that person and/or activity has a positive energetic impact on you.

If your vibration and energy level stays on even keel when you are with certain people or doing things, then that person, event or activity has a neutral energetic impact on you. The people, events and activities that lower your vibration or energy level or make you feel bad - well those people, events and activities have a negative energetic impact on you.

Masters try to spend as much time as possible hanging out with people and doing things that have an positive energetic impact on their energy and vibration.
About Bill Austin:

Bill Austin is a spiritual healer, teacher, artist and visionary living in St Petersburg, FL in the United States. Bill is the founder of several healing modalities and the creator of the Money Healing Program. For more information about Bill, check out some of his web sites:

Bill's Free YouTube Presentations

23 Free Practical Mastery Healing Sessions

Free Healing/Spiritual E-Cards

Daily Support Program

Money Healing Program

Inner Mastery Tools 

Fabulous Healing Products <$20
IMT-Empowered Affirmation for the Day (Affirmation Enhancer Tool):

"I am aware and conscious of my personal energy level and how I feel at all times. As soon as my energy level goes down or I begin to feel bad, I check in with my soul to see what is going on with me. Each day I experience more joy, happiness, love and bliss!"



FREE Mastery Training Modules Program

Many of you have been following my career as I move more and more into bringing forth my work and moving more into world service. As I look back over the years, I realize that the core of my work is around mastery – helping people to create a better life using some of the techniques, tools and gifts I have received over the years. I recently upgraded my newsletter software and I am now able for the first time ever to send out a series of articles I am calling Mastery Training Modules to people on my newsletter list. The purpose of the Mastery Training Modules Program is to assist everyone who participates to move more into expressing their mastery externally as well as internally.

If you would like to participate in this program, all you have to do is join the Mastery Training Module by submitting your email address in the box directly above this. Please Note: Shortly after you submit your email address, you will receive an email from my the company hosting my newsletter asking you to respond to confirm your registration. You must confirm your subscription in order to receive the training modules.

My goal in creating this program to help you to activate your mastery so that you will be able to live like a master in the physical plane of duality - to be in the world but not of the world so to speak. Each module will contain a vibrationally encoded image to help you to raise your vibration and upgrade your consciousness. In addition to the series of vibrationally encoded images that accompany each Mastery Training Module, I have created a series of powerful clearing, healing and transmutation profiles to help you with:

  • Boosting Your Clarity

  • Grounding Your Energy

  • Helping You to Stay Neutral at All Times

  • Upgrading Your DNA

  • Aligning with the Creator

  • Clearing Your Energetic Spaces

  • Clearing Your Money

The forty-three modules I created for this series of weekly articles are for:

  • What is spiritual healing and how can it help me?

  • The CAB Approach to Spiritual Growth (Commitment - Attitude - Balance)

  • How nicely do you play with others?

  • Playing Nicely with Others – Things Your Mother Never Taught You

  • Loving Yourself – The Key Ingredient to Creating Successful Relationships

  • Honor Your Time and Energy

  • Hug a Tree and Other Fun Ways to Stay Grounded, Balanced and Integrated

  • Come Down from the Clouds: The Importance of Being Present

  • The Pivotal Role of DNA in Spiritual Evolution

  • The Healing Power of Laughter

  • The Healing Power of Forgiveness

  • Working with the Angels

  • Mastery Resources: Books and Music that Have Changed my Life

  • Why Do Affirmations Work for Some Folks but not for me?

  • Do YOU Make Good or Bad Choices?

  • Moving into the Heart Paradigm

  • The Healing Power of Prayer

  • Spiritual Congruency - Being Authentic and True to Yourself

  • How Well do YOU do in Seizing the Day

  • Pitfalls on the Path to Oz: Discernment

  • Pitfalls on the Path to Oz: Spiritual Ego

  • Pitfalls on the Path to Oz: Preoccupation with Past Lives

  • Pitfalls on the Path to Oz: Giving Your Power Away to Psychics, Channels and Teachers

  • Pitfalls on the Path to Oz: Trying to Save and/or Rescue Others

  • Discernment and the Internet

  • Honoring the Free Will Choices of Others

  • Manifesting is a Lot Like Gardening

  • Do YOU Honor Your Time and Energy

  • Responding Versus Reacting to Things

  • Honoring Your Internal Guidance

  • Viewing Your Life from a Place of Mastery

  • Tapping into the Power of Clarity

  • Why do Spiritual Folks and Healers Struggle so Much with Money?

  • What is YOUR Relationship with Money Like?

  • Blasting Through the Most Common Money Blocks

  • Healing YOUR Relationship with Money, Parts I and II

  • AET/UCP Empowered Affirmations for Abundance, Parts I and II

  • What is the Hoopla Around the Law of Attraction All About and Why Should I Care?

  • The I-F-F-C-A-A Approach to Working with the Law of Attraction

  • How to Live Happily Ever After in the World of Infinite Potential

  • Traversing Through the Dark Night of the Soul.


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