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The Creator Mastery Sequences™ are a divine dispensation of grace for those Ascended Masters who are incarnated here in this world. Prior to incarnating here, these great masters had to agree to suppress, turn off or be separated from the higher levels of their being and mastery so that they could come into a physically dense form (the physical body). They had contracted with the Creator that when the planetary energies evolved high enough and it could support their connection to their higher mastery again without destroying their physical body, that they would be able to reconnect to their higher levels of their power and love. The time is now for those who are ready to embrace their omnipotence and their place as a Co-Creator… to bring in and anchor magnificent cosmic forces of the highest love and light for the divine evolution of all beings in this world and others.” The Creator

Creator Mastery Sequences™

NOW AVAILABLE IN VIDEO FORMAT: Creator Mastery Sequences™ Level One (Seven Activations and Initiations):  


Creator Purge, Level I:  This activation will purge and transmute any dark, heavy, slow and congested vibrations, energies and frequencies in your universal energetic beingness. This purge is so extensive that it will raise your vibratory levels to new and greater heights so that you may bring your own mastery expression forward to this world. This activation is a divine dispensation from the blessed Creator to accelerate individuals in their path and plan with the Creator. It is the “cosmic boom” so to speak, that will provide a high magnitude of clearing of your universal spaces that would equal 20 lifetimes or more of mastery clearing.


Creator Quantum Spaces Clearing, Level I:  In this activation, an individual will receive a divine dispensation of grace from the Creator to clear, recalibrate and reformat one’s quantum spaces - including the electronic, atomic and sub-atomic levels and particles - permanently shifting one's energetic fields and beingness into new levels of mastery that are in accordance with the divine laws of perfection.


Creator Spiritual & Energetic Systems Clearing and Upgrade, Level I:  In this activation, each person will receive a divine dispensation of grace from the blessed Creator to clear, recalibrate and reformat the spiritual and energetic systems of an individual’s universal beingness propelling one into new levels of mastery that are in accordance with the laws of perfection and divine right. The energetic and spiritual systems of ones beingness will be automatically and effortlessly upgraded to new levels of mastery throughout one's spiritual evolution in this lifetime.


Restoration of the GOD and Creator DNA/RNA/ENA Coding:  This activation will restore your Creator DNA to its pristine expression prior to any alteration by others. It is the next step in one's evolution after the activation and restoration of the GOD DNA coding. The activation of the GOD DNA coding propels one in their mastery and abilities as the “GOD” that they are. The activation and restoration of the Creator DNA coding will propel one into their higher mastery as a “creator” force in both their life and in others. It will activate a magnitude of mastery profiles in one so that they may open to the oneness and love of the high cosmos in their service to humanity. When you activate this coding, you no longer identify with personality and ego, instead you identify with the soul and your unconditional love and dedicate your life to being in service to others.


Creator Cloaking & Protection Package (Shields & Filters)This protection package provides a dispensation of Grace that will literally remove one from the matrix of duality in this world. You will be visible to the forces of love and light and invisible to the forces of darkness. It will place you in a space of divine creation that will facilitate the expression of one's Creator DNA coding and support their divine mission of love, light and service.  


Creator Holy of Holies Initiation:  This initiation will initiate you into the highest realm of the offices of the Holy of Holies. You will merge and meld your Christed light bodies with theirs to be a divine conduit of their vibration, gifts and healing to bring forward to this world and its beings. This is one of the highest levels of service a being can be initiated in.  


Creator Ring Pass Not Initiation:  This initiation will initiate one in a high vibratory essence of their Creator being. It will break one free of the loop of reincarnation and the lower vibratory energies associated with it so one can be in oneness and in the divine flow of all of Creation to bring in higher love, mastery and healing to this world to assist one in their planetary service mission. 


The cost of the first level of the Creator Mastery Sequences
is $180.  It is now a video transmission with an accompanying master healing image to assist you to embody the energies of these powerful transmissions.

This set of Creator Mastery Sequences™ is ordered in groups and levels. Level One, for example, has seven activations and initiations and you must order the entire group all at one time as a package of spiritual activations.  In order to progress on to Level Two you must have received the activations and initiations from the first level.

In each of these Creator Mastery Sequences™ sessions, I will begin by transmitting to you some general balancing and clearing frequencies prior to your session to help you to align with God, to clear out negative and dense energies from your energetic systems and aura as well as your home, release negative ego programming, tune-up your chakras, etc. Each level of Creator Mastery Sequences™  costs just $180 and I will try to transmit these sessions to you within four business days after I receive your order.

Creator Mastery Sequences, Level I Quantity Desired:






"I wanted to take a few moments to share some of my experiences with Bill Austin's work and express my gratitude and appreciation. First, I do not even pretend to truly understand the full value of these sessions and the benefits conferred. I do, however, feel strongly drawn to these sessions by a part of me operating from a higher intelligence than my conscious mind. I have also worked with others who have validated the great progress that Bill Austin's sessions have given me. 

In addition, when Bill Austin is working on me I tend to feel some energetic shifts happening and know the work is being performed. Second, with a lot of energy work, especially Bill Austin's, sometimes the benefits are very sneaky when not working at the physical level. When you are transformed to a more natural state, sometimes it is so easy to forget the state you were in before the transformation occurred. Take for example, the Random Inner Dialogue Purge of the VOID mastery sequence (I). This was an activation which I benefited from greatly, yet I did not recognize the benefit received until I stopped and noticed the difference in how my mind was operating! A tremendous benefit was bestowed, but it almost escaped my attention! Perhaps, if I had spent years meditating to conquer this issue as people in the past have I would have been more aware of the change, but I am grateful for the immediate results! 

For me, the most amazing sessions were the Creator Sequences (I, II, III). Each time I have received one of these sequences, I have had intense activity in my crown chakra area for days and occasional muscle twitches, all of which I attribute to the energetic changes being made.  The true value of receiving these sequences is so enormous that one struggles to comprehend the effect that these sessions actually have. I certainly encourage any one drawn to this work to experience it and I am grateful to Bill Austin for offering these services." John Goodhue, IA

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