Bill Austin's Self Help, Clearing and Healing Program

I created this book to provide people on a spiritual path with a tool they could easily use to stay as clear as possible. I also want to help people clear, transmute, heal and release stuff as it arises in their daily lives. I hand-picked the images that can most assist people and I have created two special mp3 audio healing recordings just for this book. I also am giving people who purchase this book access to two of my most powerful clearing and protection video recordings.

I have been on a spiritual path now for over eighteen years and each day I clear, transmute, heal and release things as they surface in my life. I make time each day to clear myself as deeply as I can because if I do not deal with stuff as it arises, it grows and multiplies. I created this book to help other people – who may or may not have access to tools and energetic support - to heal the issues that arise in their daily lives.
  Each year I get clearer as I identify, clear, heal and release the energetic buttons and triggers that used to discombobulate and irritate me. Ironically as I get clearer, I find that even a smudge of unclarity now disturbs me much more than a huge amount of unclarity did many years ago. Clearing is a lot like lifting up a cinderblock in that when you lift up the block; all sorts of slimy creepy crawlies come out to play… So I created this healing image book to assist people to clear, transmute, heal and release the icky creepy crawlie things of this world with ease, grace and much love.
  The $49.95 price includes Internet access to four healing videos that retail for $108.




Energetic Introduction to the Practical Mastery™ Healing Modality

I began downloading the Practical Mastery™ healing modality in late 2005. It began as a series of twelve clearing sessions and morphed into a full blown healing modality with over six hundred sessions. I have attuned Practical Mastery™ healing practitioners in over fourteen countries and there are several Practical Mastery™ web sites in languages that I cannot read.

I am delighted to be able to offer this book to help introduce people to Practical Mastery™. What I love about this modality is that it helps people to function as masters of the third dimensional school we call Earth. There are five major types of sessions: Clearing, Profile Purges, Abundance, Emotional Mastery and Enlightenment. Profile purge sessions help clear out the less-than-love mental programs, patterns, beliefs and thought forms. Emotional Mastery sessions help people to release the fear-oriented emotions and anchor and operate from the love-oriented ones. When I meditated on a description for Practical Mastery™, here is what I got:

“Practical Mastery™ is not so much a healing modality but a set of tools for activating and accessing the divine within you. These tools will propel you into greater levels of your mastery. “Practical Mastery™” is designed to allow individuals to receive great levels of healing that is 100% aligned to the Creator.”
  The $49.95 price includes Internet access to four healing videos that retail for $108.




Energetic Introduction to the Angelic Mastery™ Healing Modality

“We, the Angelic Healers of Love, do not view the human body like you or your medical professionals do. So often when you look at your body, you focus on what you most dislike in your physical form and thus you magnetize back to yourself more of what you dislike. When we, the Angelic Healers of Love, look at you - what we see in each of you is a beautiful tapestry of light and love. Each of you is a walking miracle. We challenge you the next time that you look in the mirror to cherish yourself.

The angelic healing techniques that comprise Angelic Mastery™ are very soft, gentle and nurturing to all of your energetic bodies. We honor your energetic bodies and treat them with great love and respect. Our favorite way of healing is to bathe the energetic bodies, fields and particles in Love for love is truly the great healer. We also utilize a lot of colors, tones and rays of creation energy to help you heal. Above all things, we wish that each of you would love yourself as much as you possibly can.”

  I created this book to help you experience firsthand some of the power of working with the angels of healing. I began working with them in 1999 when I had received a powerful initiation that left me feeling like I had been run over by a truck. I was praying for healing when I felt this very gentle, peaceful and loving presence come into my awareness. I asked who they were and I got that they were angels of love who wanted to help me heal.

When I began studying healing, I would share what I learned with the angels and ask them if they had a way to make it gentler and they always helped me. The first line of Angelic Mastery™ sessions were for healing beliefs; the next ones were for healing emotions; then I downloaded sessions for enlightenment and healing past incidents. When Anita Briggs asked me to create angelic healing sessions for therapists, I downloaded a lot of personality healing sessions and my favorite – the magical angelic love and healing washes.
  The $49.95 price includes Internet access to four healing videos that retail for $108.




Transform YOUR Relationship with Money

My name is Bill Austin and I am a spiritual healer, teacher, artist and writer. I have helped people around the world to become more successful and prosperous for over nine years. When you think about money and your personal finances, how do you feel? If you feel peaceful, calm and content, then you have a good relationship with money. If you feel stressed, anxious, worried or fearful when you think about money, you can benefit from this book.

Whatever you currently are experiencing with your money and personal finances is the external out-picturing of your beliefs, feelings and attitudes around money, prosperity, abundance and success. YOU heal your relationship with money by identifying your money blocks and how you sabotage yourself and then you clear these patterns. This book provides simple but very powerful ways to release the old programming that holds you back financially. As you release negative money beliefs, you automatically begin to attract more money, abundance, wealth and success into your life.

  Transform Your Relationship with Money contains many Financial Snapshots to help you apply the principles in the book to your specific financial situation as well as 25 powerful money healing images. This book has a link to a web site where you can download and watch five money healing videos: Two of Bill’s most powerful money healing videos, another one that transmits the energies from the abundance images in the book and two powerful visualization exercises to help you release negative financial beliefs, feelings, memories, attitudes and experiences.  You also can download two mp3 audio recordings – one with over 50 powerful affirmations for abundance as well as a guided meditation to help you connect with and express more of your soul, which is totally abundant. This book includes a free report on How to Play with the Law of Attraction to Create a Life that Works.
  The $49.95 price includes Internet access to seven money healing recordings that retail for over $90.


 Energetic Introduction to Heart Oriented Ascension

Heart Oriented Ascension is an approach to accelerated personal and spiritual growth that is oriented around awakening and activating the multidimensional heart. This healing image book is perhaps the most powerful one I have created to date and it is intended to help those incarnated beings on this world who are helping the planet to make the shift into the Heart Paradigm.

The images I created for this book help people to align with the Heart Paradigm so they can live more authentically with love from their heart. Many of these images are based around a series of hundreds of activations I began working with in Spring of 2008 as Earth moved more firmly into the Heart Paradigm.

When you order this book you receive Internet access to five video recordings I did which contain transmissions for fifty Living in the Golden Age enlightenment and healing sessions. These sessions help prepare people energetically to embody the purified energies and frequencies of Heart Oriented Ascension.

  The $59.95 price includes Internet access to five video recordings that retail for over $160.




The ABC's of Color: A Book for Kids of ALL Ages
  Healing Practitioner Artists Bill Austin and Maria Bowling co-created a magical children's books to help provide energetic support and healing for the highly evolved children of this world. We also have created a line of mandala healing art posters, cards and journals (for more information, visit

This beautifully illustrated children's book -The ABC's of Color- is a fun way to introduce children to the magical world of color while they learn their alphabet. Inspire your child to expand their vocabulary and develop their creativity and sensitivity to color at an early age. Color shapes how you perceive your life and can be used to heal; to inspire and to spark the creative potential within each of us. Maria and Bill created this book to help kids of all ages to connect with the energy of color.
Every page includes gorgeous illustrations and beautiful mandalas. Mandalas have been used for healing for thousands of years by many cultures. Maria and Bill use color in their healing practices. Each page of this bright and joyful book contains many healing energies. The description for each illustration will expand your child's vocabulary as they view the colorful images. Many of the terms used in the book will introduce exciting new concepts for your child to explore!







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