Bill Austin's Biography and Approach to Healing

Namaste! I salute the Love/Spirit/Light within you! Know that each and every one of you who views these words is a healer and teacher.  You are all magnificent, multi-dimensional beings of light. You may have forgotten who you are but the veils are thinning fast on this planet as Earth moves into higher and higher levels of consciousness.

About Me:

My name is Bill Austin and my soul purpose in this incarnation is to heal the healers and to teach the teachers. It is no accident that you find yourself viewing these pages. Blessings to you dear one on your great adventure and journey into Oneness with all that is or was or ever shall be!

About Spiritual Healing:

While many of my clients are healers, teachers and light workers who understand the underlying principles of spiritual healing, many others are brand new to this area. When I first began working with energy healers, I had a lot of basic questions that I asked. Questions like:


How It All Began

My name is Bill Austin and I was raised in central Virginia.  I was the oldest child and I have a younger brother and sister.  My dad was an Industrial Arts school teacher and my mom was a registered nurse.  And now, many years later, I find myself teaching and healing - although in very different ways than my parents did.  I graduated from William and Mary with a BA in Economics in 1983.  I then worked for several years as an economist with the Bureau of Labor Statistics in DC and then I went on to get my law degree from the University of Virginia in 1990.

Although I went through a fundamentalist period in my late teens, I was a fairly conventional Episcopalian up until 1991.  In 1991, while on a Greyhound bus heading to Philly from DC, I experienced a huge mystical experience and opening - I felt this overwhelming sense of ecstasy, bliss and joy.  It was like a thousand watts of energy entering a body designed for hundred watts.  This twenty minutes of ecstasy changed my life and launched me on to the spiritual path.

Over the last fifteen years, I have explored meditation and many energy techniques which I have used to totally transform my life.  My spiritual path has included many cycles of clearing, forgiving, healing and releasing.  Around six years ago, I began to feel a call to heal and help others.  I resisted it for a while but it got stronger and stronger over time.  I experienced a distant energy healing clearing from some folks in Washington state, who were by some weird coincidence offering an energy healing class in Colorado and the rest was history…

Each day has become a new adventure in that I am constantly downloading new information and healing processes to assist others.  I am constantly learning and growing and expanding and my list of sessions reflects this path.  Although I downloaded my own modality from the Creator, increasingly my work revolves around just connecting with GOD directly to assist people.

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What is Energy Healing and Why does it Work?

Many of my clients have some very basic questions about what is energy healing and why does it work.  Basically from my perspective, everything is energy with a certain vibration and frequency.  When we are born, all of our systems, organs and energy fields vibrate at the level of unconditional love which is optimal for physical health and well-being. After birth, however, we begin to absorb the negative beliefs of our family and society and to block the natural flow of emotions through our consciousness.  This creates an imbalance in our energy fields and their frequency or vibration level drops and eventually this creates physical problems, disease, stress and discomfort.  While most of Western science focuses on the symptoms or effects of energetic imbalances, energy healing addresses the root cause of disease, stress and discomfort.   Often it is quicker to clear things energetically than through more traditional healing modalities.

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How I Approach Healing

I have studied, learned, assimilated and incorporated many different energy healing modalities and read hundreds of books on healing, spiritual growth, psychology, etc.  I also have worked with numerous energy healers who work with many different types of modalities.

I attract clients who are on intense paths to mastery.  My soul purpose in this lifetime is to heal healers and to teach teachers.  Almost all of my clients are healers or teachers who are trying to get as clear as possible so that they can help others and the planet.

My work mainly is to help people to raise their vibration so that when the planet ascends that they will as well.  My passions in life are personal/spiritual growth, healing Mother Earth and the distant energy healing work I offer to others.

I am constantly tinkering with my menu of sessions, upgrading them, adding new ones, taking out ones that no longer resonate, etc.  The most important spiritual practice I do is to consciously align with GOD throughout the day and to live from that place of purity and integrity.

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Bill Austin's Credentials

I used to work with many healing modalities that others created and then they stopped working for me so I created my own - Practical Mastery™. Then I realized that the most powerful thing I could do was to align with GOD and ask to be the purest possible channel I could be for the energies of GOD to flow through and this is largely what my path today is like.

The energy healing modalities I used to work with include:

Energetic Practitioner for DNA Possibilities™
Levels 1 - 3

Into This Moment™ Level 1

Beginning and Intermediate Level
Yuen Method™

Theta Healing™

Usui Reiki Master, Levels 1-3

Karuna™  Reiki Master,  Levels 1 & 2

Jinlap Maitri Master Practitioner, Levels 1-5

Lightarian™ Reiki Master,  Levels 1-6

Ascension Reiki Master, Levels 1-9

Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master

Kormanu™ Levels I & II

Level 1 SoulWisdom™ Practitioner

Emotional Freedom Technology™  

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How Can Energy Healers Help Me?

Energy healers are really facilitators and channels for divine healing energy.  All healing originates from Father/Mother God and the soul of the client.  Healers help their clients to co-create an energetic space that is conducive to healing.  Each person is really responsible on the soul level for their own healing and if their souls are not ready to heal themselves, usually a permanent healing will not occur.  Often there are many energetic causes and weaknesses associated with an illness or disease and so it is not uncommon for someone to heal and clear a lot but they may not feel different because they are not ready to release the next level or layer of the pattern.  By the time problems manifest in the physical plane often it took years to create them so it is natural that it will take some time to heal them as well.

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Home Healing Products for Under $20

I have placed some of the most powerful images on Home Healing Products for Under $20. Click on the icon below to learn more about some of these great product offerings!



How Does Distant Energy Healing Work?

Many energy healers channel energy through their hands and work with clients usually doing some form of body work.  Other energy healers work with clients distantly or via phone.  I am a distant energy healer and when I am working with clients, I interact with them at the soul level – communicating from my soul to theirs.  Distant healing works because our souls are unlimited and function from unity consciousness (realizing that all is one with God) so it is easy for them to communicate with each other and to transfer and receive healing energy.  One of the great things about distant energy healing is that you do not have to do anything at all – your soul does everything for you!

As soon as the soul I am working with receives the energy, it looks at where the person is energetically and then downloads the appropriate amount of healing energy to the physical, emotional and mental levels of consciousness.  Sometimes the soul will hold on to the energy and not transmit it immediately if the illness or imbalance or disease is serving the highest good of the client in some manner energetically.  

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What are the Benefits of Doing Energy Work?

After an Energy Healing session, most people feel...

More relaxed

More energetic

Free of doubt and fear


More peaceful

Less anxious

Cleared of blocks that make them hesitate, procrastinate or give up

Enthusiastic about day-to-day activity

Ambitious and active about lifelong projects and dreams

In fact, most say they feel like a new person, or like the person they always hoped they could be.


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Which Sessions, Programs and Products Can Best Help Me?

Bill's Recommended Sessions

I have been offering energy healing services and products for over seven years now and this site is fairly large. Listed below are some of my suggested recommendations for sessions.

Highly Recommended for EVERYONE!!!

People who are new to the spiritual path and unfamiliar with alternative health techniques like energy healing will generally benefit the most from:

People who have been on the spiritual path for a while and who have done some spiritual healing, clearing and balancing work will generally benefit the most from:

Spiritual healers and seekers of enlightenment, mastery and planetary/cosmic ascension will  generally benefit the most from:

People who are in the forefront of consciousness work on this planet would probably benefit the most from:




What causes pain and imbalances?

In many ways our bodies function as computers with the operating system being run from the central nervous system.  There are billions if not trillions of programs running all of the time.  It is like a series of on-off switches where on means you are energetically strong and off is when you are energetically weak.  In an energy healing session often what happens is that a series of switches in the client’s central nervous system are switched from being off to being on.  The challenge for energy healers is identifying all of the areas that are off so they can assist their clients to turn them on.  

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